Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The 5 Dimensions of Wellness

What is Wellness?

We hear the term "Wellness" so often, but many people would find it difficult to define. Of course, "to be well" has different meanings to different people. But in general, Wellness results from practicing behaviors that minimize the risk of life-style related diseases and disabilities. It also involves the integration of mind, body and spirit for optimal functioning, or what is referred to as a "zest for life".There are  5 distinct areas that, when in harmony, can create what is considered "Wellness" in our lives.  Lets look at the 5 dimensions of Wellness and some simple tips to improve each one.

Reduce Stress and Learn to balance your emotions through healthy self-care practices.
Seek out help from a trusted counselor if you find your stress unmanageable. Take time to nourish yourself daily. Even a 10 minute "time out" to just breathe and be present can do wonders for your mental and emotional health.

Create or strengthen bonds with family and friends. Expand by getting involved with clubs, organizations or causes that you are passionate about. In this way you can find and connect with "kindred spirits".

Spend time connecting to a higher power. Explore prayer,meditation, or worship that fits your particular personality and needs. this could be in an actual church or temple, or just in the midst of nature. Whatever lifts you higher than yourself and makes you desire to be a better person is spiritually rewarding.

Boost your brain power by learning new things. Read, Study,Debate,Discuss. Sharpen your intellect by feeding your brain a steady diet of healthy information. What are you interested in? Just think, if you spent just a few hours a week learning about that topic, you would be an expert in no time!

 Get Active. Eat healthy, natural, real foods. Maintain a healthy weight. Walk, Run, Swim, Swing, Play!  Find nutritious food that is a delight to your senses. Find an exercise that makes your heart rejoice as well as beat. Our bodies are made to move. Find an activity you love and move it!

Balancing your life is an ongoing process. Changes do not happen over night. Be patient with yourself as you work toward bringing each aspect of your life into harmony. May you find success in creating a happy, healthy, "zestful" life!

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